Add cryptocurrency
Select merchant source
Block.io API Key
Block.io Merchant Secret
Generate new address for each exchange
Block.io Address
Enter here a address from your block.io account, if you do not want to generate new address for each exchange. Address must be from your block.io account to verify automatically transaction.
Coinpayments.net Merchant ID
Coinpayments.net IPN Secret
Select coin
Minimal amount for exchange
Maximum amount for exchange
Include extra fee in total amount for payment
Extra fee
You can setup fixed or percentage fee. This fee will be used to calculate total amount for payment for client. For example: If user sell 100 and if fee is 10% must pay 110 or if user sell 50 and fee is fixed 5.99 must pay 55.99 and etc. If do not want to setup fee leave blank.
Allow customers to send money through this gateway
Require user to login before exchange
Require user to verify their email address before exchange
Require user to verify their personal documents before exchange
Require user to verify their mobile number before exchange