@extends('frontend.layouts.master') @section('content')

Contact Us

Connect with ExchangeBuz.com


448 10th Ave, New York, NY 10001, United States.

International Help-Desk

@php $settings = \App\Models\SettingsModel::first(); $supportEmail = $settings->support_email ?? 'support@exchangebuz.com'; $workTimeStart = $settings->work_time_start ?? '10 AM'; $workTimeEnd = $settings->work_time_end ?? '10 PM'; $workTimeZone = $settings->work_time_gmt_zone ?? 'UTC +3'; $infoEmail = $settings->info_email ?? 'info@exchangebuz.com'; @endphp

{{ $supportEmail }}

Support, Sales, and Management Teams are currently available in English.

Our technical support is available by phone or email from {{ $workTimeStart}} - {{ $workTimeEnd }}, {{ $workTimeZone }}, Monday through Friday.

General inquiries

{{ $infoEmail }}


If you don't get an answer immediately, We might just be travelling through the middle of now-here. Till then you can search for your answer here: Knowledge Base.
